Welcome to Plymouth, Indiana! The City of Plymouth is located on the banks of the Yellow River in north-central Indiana. Plymouth is the county seat for Marshall County and has a population of over 10,000 residents. Here on our city's website you can find information about local city government, city history, and links to other informative websites. We hope the information and photos will encourage you to visit Plymouth, Indiana; a great small city with big plans for the future!

Largest aviation association in the world writes an article on Plymouth Municipal Airport!

View the article "Airport Changes Course, Begins to Thrive" and video at AOPA 

(Plymouth segment starts at 9:52 mark)

Fuel Available: 

  • 100LL & Jet A

Prices available at:

2022 Indiana State Aviation System Plan Plymouth Municipal Airport

Economic Benefit Card Plymouth Municipal Airport

Airport Award

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The Building Commissioner/Inspector inspects residential and commercial buildings during various stages of construction and remodeling to enforce compliance with applicable codes, ordinances and regulations; inspects existing residential and commercial structures for change of use, occupancy, or compliance with applicable codes, ordinances and regulations.

These inspections include foundation, concrete, steel, masonry, wood construction, framing, plastering, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and a large variety of other complex and routine building system elements for both residential and commercial construction. The office of the Building Commissioner issues a Certificate of Occupancy when all required inspections are complete and the building is found to be in compliance with applicable codes, ordinances and regulations. The Building Commissioner receives calls and answers questions about permits and code requirements. The following is a list of work/items requiring a permit. If you any questions about what requires a permit please call the Building Commissioner's office.

  • New Construction, Addition, or Renovations
  • Electrical
  • Plumbing
  • Demolition
  • Accessory Structures
  • Porch/Carport/Deck
  • Swimming Pool
  • Fencing and Retaining Walls
  • Billboards/Signs
  • Roof
  • HVAC

A schedule of fees for permits is available in the Code of Ordinances.

City of Plymouth Building Permit Software

Contractors and homeowners can access applications via this link Online Building Permits & Contractor Registration.

The City of Plymouth also requires contractors working in the City of Plymouth’s jurisdiction to be registered as a contractor via the same MyGov portal. For additional information, please contact the Building Department at 574-936-2824.

Collaborator Interface Fact Sheet

The Building Commissioner is also the Zoning Administrator and Floodplain Manager for the City of Plymouth.

Click here to see applicable codes for the state of Indiana.

Member of:

The City Attorney provides legal counsel, representation, and services to the public officials, employees, boards, and commissions of the City regarding the business of municipal government.

The City Attorney also:

  • Drafts City ordinances, resolutions, and other legal papers;
  • Reviews all City contracts;
  • Handles City employment law matters;
  • Represents the City in most litigation matters, except for matters handled by our insurance counsel;
  • Prosecutes City ordinance violators;
  • Collects fines, fees, damages, and other monies owed to the City;
  • Serves as Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator; and
  • Serves as Title VI Coordinator.

As a full-time, in-house, general counsel, the City Attorney's goal is to provide comprehensive, timely, and cost-effective legal services to meet the City's needs.

Now Hiring - Full Time Engineering Tech 

Applicant must have an Associate’s degree from an accredited school. The Engineering Tech will assist the City Engineer with inspection of construction sites located around the City of Plymouth, engineering drawings, contract and bid preparation for City projects, project close-outs, and MS4 projects for example. Must have a valid driver’s license.


This position comes with a full benefits package (medical, dental, vision, and life insurance) as well as access to our direct primary care clinic and a generous PTO package.

Candidate will also be enrolled into the Indiana PERF Pension program.


Applications are available online (here) and job descriptions are available online (here


may be picked up and returned to the:

Wastewater Treatment Plant

900 Oakhill Ave.

The Department of Engineering provides services for both the public works and stormwater management sectors within the City of Plymouth.

Below is a generalized list of the services provided in each sector:

Public Works

  • Provide plan development and/or review for street projects
  • Provide plan review assistance for water and wastewater projects
  • Provide design and inspection on smaller public works projects
  • Provide technical assistance and reviews for larger public works projects
  • Administer Technical Review Committee (TRC) Meetings
  • Administer Local Public Agency (LPA) Projects
  • Administer INDOT Community Crossing Matching Grant (CCMG) program
  • Administer Work in the Right-of-Way Permits
  • Assign City addresses

Stormwater Management

  • Administer the EPA/IDEM required MS4 Management Program
  • Administer the City of Plymouth Stormwater Utility
  • Provide information and education regarding Stormwater and Drainage
  • Review projects for compliance with Stormwater Control Ordinances
  • Review projects for compliance with Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Ordinances
  • Administer/perform Stormwater Control Plan inspections
  • Administer/perform construction site SWPPP inspections
  • Administer/perform Stormwater Illicit Discharge inspections
  • Administer/perform inspections of Post-Construction Best Management Practices

The Clerk-Treasurer's term of office is for four years with no restrictions on the number of terms which can be served. A person is eligible to serve as Clerk-Treasurer if that person has resided in the city for one year. If that person ceases to be a resident of the city, the person forfeits the office of Clerk-Treasurer.

According to the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns (IACT) publication, Indiana Elected Municipal Officials' Handbook: 

The fiscal affairs of the city are placed in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer.

The Clerk-Treasurer, as fiscal affairs officer, has a variety of duties which often include the responsibility to:

  • Prescribe the form of reports to be rendered to her department, and inspect and revise the accounts of all other departments;
  • Audit the accounts of other departments and submit a report at the end of each fiscal year on the accounts of the city;
  • Maintain separate accounts for each specific item of appropriation made by the council to each department, and require all warrants to state specifically against which of such items the warrant is drawn;
  • Sign and issue all orders for money upon the city treasury;
  • Retain charge of all books in her department;
  • Inspect and pay, or refuse to pay under certain conditions, all warrants presented;
  • Perform certain tasks in the negotiation and sale of city securities, and keep a register of all bonds of the city when so required, and an account of outstanding securities;
  • Manage and direct the finance and accounts of the city and make investments of city monies;
  • Issue all city licenses; and
  • Prescribe the payroll and accounts forms to be used in the departments and offices.

The Clerk-Treasurer is the secretary and record keeper for the Common Council and Board of Public Works and Safety.

As Clerk of the Common Council, the Clerk-Treasurer has the responsibility to:

  • Keep records of council proceedings and have charge of all papers relating to its business;
  • Prepare and keep an Ordinance Book;
  • Have charge of all documents and books entrusted to her by statute or ordinance; and
  • Keep the city seal.

The Clerk-Treasurer is authorized to appoint deputies and employees subject to authorization or approval of the City Council. Such deputies and employees serve at the pleasure of the Clerk-Treasurer.

The Common Council (also known as the City Council) is the Legislative Body for the City of Plymouth.

The Council is made up of seven elected representatives: four from each city district (elected by residents of those districts) and three at-large representatives, elected by the entire City. Each council member serves a four-year term and must reside within the city limits (for at least the past year). The Council has many roles and responsibilities including approving the yearly budget, setting ordinances (laws) for the City, and changing/implementing policies for city employees. 

1st District
Duane Culp
816 N Oak Dr
Plymouth, IN 46563
(574) 930-6075
2nd District
Don Ecker Jr
1916 Felix Pl
Plymouth, IN 46563
(574) 952-2509
3rd District
Shiloh Carothers Milner
304 Webster Ave
Plymouth, IN 46563
(574) 767-0356
4th District
Randy Longanecker
880 Baker St
Plymouth, IN 46563
(574) 360-9616
At Large
Linda Starr
419 Lake Ave
Plymouth, IN 46563
(574) 780-6117
At Large
Kayla Krathwohl
256 Evergreen Dr
Plymouth, IN 46563
(574) 540-3284
At Large
Dave Morrow
920 Angel St
Plymouth, IN 46563
(574) 540-9616
Mayor Robert Listenberger
124 N Michigan St
Plymouth, IN 46563
(574) 936-6717


The City of Plymouth Fire Department is now accepting applications for 3 Career Firefighter/Paramedics or Career Firefighter/EMTs to add to our growing department. Must be at least 18 years old with a valid drivers license. These positions come with full benefits (medical, dental, vision, life, access to our DPC Clinic) along with enrollment into the Indiana State Police and Fire 77 Fund Pension. Must be able to pass our local agility test or receive your CPAT within 1 year of hire date. 

Application packets for a Firefighter/Paramedic can be downloaded (here) 

Application packets for a Firefighter/EMT can be downloaded (here)

OR packets can be picked up at the

Plymouth Fire Department

111 N. Center St.

Plymouth, IN 46563

8a to 4p, Monday through Friday

The City of Plymouth is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

ISO Rating 4


Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors save lives year round!!

"It's Just that Simple". Is your Family Protected?

In addition to our role of providing outstanding Fire and EMS services, our Fire Department also provides emergency response in the following specialty areas:

  • Hazardous Materials
  • Water Rescue
  • Residential
  • Commercial and Industrial Fire Protection
  • Search and Rescue
  • Vehicle Extrication
  • Wildland Fire Suppression

The Plymouth Fire Department also houses the Indiana Department of Homeland Security District 2 Mass Casualty Incident Response Unit.

On a daily basis, the Plymouth Fire Department provides 24-hour emergency protection by our qualified and dedicated professionals, including Paramedic level care. Our Firefighter/Paramedics are among the best trained and equipped in the state and hold Nationally registered Certifications along with being licensed by the State of Indiana EMS Commission. With the supervision from our Medical Directors and the Emergency Department Physicians who oversee our daily practices, we are dedicated in providing top notch pre-hospital emergency medical care to our community.

We are also very active in public fire education and prevention. We have to date educated over 30,000 elementary aged children with our fire safe house program, which has been in operation since the early 1990's. We now have "firefighters' that were students of the fire safe house program.

The City of Plymouth Fire Department is staffed with 16 career Firefighters and approximately 24 dedicated Volunteer firefighters who provide Fire/Rescue protection and Advanced life support emergency medical care to the City of Plymouth and Center & West Township's. We serve approximately 50% of Marshall County's population, and protect just over 100 square miles and respond to over 2,600 emergency calls per year.

Our Fire Department also services the prominent Ancilla Catholic Community College, and the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ Ministries Campus located just west of Plymouth. Plymouth is also the home of the ever so famous Marshall County Blueberry Festival, which is held annually over Labor Day weekend.

Fire Chief,

Steve Holm

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To see full staff listing, please click here

Please contact the Human Resources Manager, Jennifer Klingerman, to discuss open positions or follow-up on an application.

The City of Plymouth has established a summary of policies and procedures to ensure consistency in day-to-day operations. This employee handbook outlines some of the general policies and procedures that cover employment practices, operations, and professional conduct. These policies apply to all City of Plymouth employees, except when in conflict with special employment conditions set forth by various statutes governing employment relationships, including but not limited to, elected officials, sworn police officers and statutes governing the City. Click here for the employee handbook.

Mayor's Office

Mayor Listenberger

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. You can send me an email at mayor@plymouthin.com or call the office at (574) 936-6717.

-Mayor Robert Listenberger


Mission Statement

“The Plymouth Parks and Recreation Department shall strive to develop and maintain quality parks and facilities; to preserve open/natural space; and to provide recreational programs and services which will enhance the physical, social and emotional well-being of all the citizens of Plymouth.” 

A huge part of the inner-workings and future of our parks depends on strategically planning the mission, goals, and path to take moving forward. Part of that journey is having a 5-Year Plan in place to keep us on track and continually trying to improve on the stellar park system that we already have in our community! If you would like to view our current 5-Year Plan, please click here.

Current Activities:

Line Dancing Class: Mondays & Wednesdays from 1:00-3:00pm at the Webster Center

Exercise Class: Mondays & Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00pm at the Webster Center

Monthly Newsletter


Randolph Street Bridge Reconstruction:

Please adhere to the posted closures on the street and Greenway Trails. These are in place for your safety. As we inch closer to warmer weather, please note that floating on the river under the bridge during construction will be prohibited. 

Disc Golf Course:

Disc Golf Sponsorship

Upcoming Events:

        Dramatic Fanatics Class

        • Disc Golf Schedule:

        Disc Golf Schedule

        Facebook Twitter Instagram
        Facebook Twitter Instagram

        Police Department Officers and Extensions:

        John Weir Chief of Police phone ext. 1203
        Matthew Emenhiser Assistant Chief of Police phone ext. 1204
        Ryan Richey Sergeant voicemail ext. 1232
        Ray West Sergeant voicemail ext. 1222
        Timothy Taberski Sergeant voicemail ext. 1224
        Bridget M. Hite Corporal/SRO voicemail ext. 1223
        Benjamin McIntyre Corporal phone ext. 1208
        Joshua Baker Corporal voicemail ext. 1220
        Travis Schieber Corporal voicemail ext. 1234
        Derek Workman Detective voicemail ext. 1209
        Richard Henry Ayala Detective voicemail ext. 1226
        Steven DeLee Patrolman/ SRO voicemail ext. 1229
        Wallace G. Derifield Patrolman voicemail ext. 1230
        Christopher Miller Patrolman voicemail ext. 1233
        Stuart Krynock Patrolman voicemail ext. 1239
        Zachary Wallace Patrolman voicemail ext. 1219
        Joshua Fase Patrolman voicemail ext. 1221
        Jeremy Enyart Patrolman/ Forensics voicemail ext. 1237
        David Vinson Patrolman/ K-9 Officer voicemail ext. 1225
        Kenton Lovely Patrolman voicemail ext. 1227
        Jakub Mark Patrolman voicemail ext. 1231
        Jess Fisher Patrolman voicemail ext. 1236
        Jesse Witkowski Patrolman voicemail ext. 1238
        Rilee Thorton-White Patrolman  voicemail ext.
        Tristan Allen Patrolman voicemail ext.

        Records Department phone extension - 1205


        LPA Projects

        Plymouth Greenways Trail Phase III (Construction will begin in 2025)

        Hoham Drive Reconstruction Project (Construction nearing completion)

        2025 CCMG Projects - Local Maintenance Projects

        Local Maintenance Projects

        • Lincolnway East - Jefferson St. to City limits
        • S. Michigan St. - Oakhill Ave. to Yellow River Bridge
        • Lake ST. - S. Michigan St. to Gideon St.
        • Laporte St. - Fifth St. to Dead End
        • Seventh St. - Lake Ave. To Laporte St. 
        • Garro St. - Third St. to Fifth St.
        • Nursery St. - Rose St. to S. Michigan St.
        • Marlou Place - Dead End to Pennsylvania St.
        • Roy St. - Gibson St. to Lincolnway East
        • Gideon St. - Pennsylvania St. to Dead End

        Work in the Right-of-Way

        Work in the Right of Way requires a permit. Contact the engineering department for the permit form.

        Small Cell Facilities

        This Ordinance - Policy establishes standards for permitting Small Cell Facilities and associated supporting structures within the public right-of-way of the City of Plymouth, Indiana, in order to promote the orderly growth of needed wireless communications infrastructure, while ensuring the public health, safety, and welfare of the community.

        ORDINANCE NO. 2019-2146, An Ordinance Regarding the Permitting of Wireless Facilities and Wireless Support Structures Within the Public Right-of-Way

        The City recommends that, prior to filing an application for a permit under this Policy, that an Applicant engage the City staff to assist the Applicant’s Small Cell Facility development team with troubleshooting preliminary siting and design concerns. During such pre-application period of engagement, to the extent practicable, the City will aid the Applicant in discovering existing conditions and access to the proposed site area.

        Small Cell Facility Applications must be filled out in order to install a Small Cell Facility on City owned property/Right of Way.  The applications provide general information regarding the Small Cell Facility & the development team which serves as a summary for the required engineering designs & details.  The application is reviewed and approved by the Technical Review Committee.



        A Work in the Right-of-Way Application needs to be submitted to the City of Plymouth and approved by the Board of Public Works and Safety for work to be performed in the Right-of-Way.  A License Agreement shall be executed and a cash financial guarantee shall be posted with the City of Plymouth Board of Public Works & Safety prior to the granting of the Permit to work in the Right-of-Way.  The financial guarantee is based on the damage risk to the City Utilities.


        NOTE: It should be noted that all Contractors working in the City of Plymouth must be registered with the City of Plymouth Building Commissioner.

        Upon completion of the project a set of as-built drawings and a Completion Affidavit shall be submitted to the City of Plymouth.  Once reviewed and inspected the City shall release the financial guarantee upon faithful performance of the conditions set forth in the License Agreement.



        Stormwater Pollution Sollutions

        As of December 18, 2021, Indiana no longer administers the construction stormwater program under Indiana Administrative Code (327 IAC 15-5 or Rule 5).  Permitting coverage is now issued under the Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSGP). The CSGP is a performance-based regulation designed to reduce pollutants that are associated with construction and/or land-disturbing activities.

        For current projects and maps, please visit the Public Works page.

        Important Information

        • Adopt-A-Street Program
        • Nipsco
        • The City of Plymouth contracts with Republic Services for garbage and recycling services. If you would like to schedule a large item pick-up (allotted one per month), please call them directly at 574-842-4719.
        • If you have a broken or damaged garbage or recycling tote, please contact the City Office at 574-936-2124 to schedule the repair or replacement of your tote.
        • 2025 Garbage and Recycling Information:

        After Hours Emergencies

        • Phone Number (574)-936-2126

        **All after hours Non-Emergency calls will be billed a minimum of $70.00. **

        Facility Description and Treatment Processes

        The Plymouth Wastewater Treatment Facilities has been constructed to meet the water quality needs of our growing and thriving community into the 21st century. The pollution abatement system protects public health; preserves and enhances recreation, aesthetics, fish, and wildlife quality in and around the Yellow River.

        The Wastewater Treatment Facilities provides treatment for a peak raw sewage influent rate of up to 8.0 MGD (5,555 gpm). An automatically cleaned screening rack and grit separation and removal system provide pretreatment of all wastewater received at the plant prior to pumping of the wastewater for further treatment. The pretreated wastewater is pumped to a regulating control channel, which permits up to 6.6 MGD (4,583 gpm) into the treatment processes; flow in excess of this rate cascades into the 420,000-gallon stormwater surge basin where it is mixed and aerated, and eventually returned for treatment.

        The main wastewater flow enters two 50 ft. diameter primary clarifiers. The settable solids are separated and removed from the process flow in the form of primary sludge. Primary treated wastewater, with over 50% of the original pollutant solids and 20% of other pollutants removed, is pumped to the bio roughing towers. The pumped flow enters at the top of two structures referred to as “fixed film bio roughing towers”. The wastewater is distributed over the surface of a corrugated plastic material, which is stacked to a height of 14 ft. in each of the 50 ft. diameter towers. The flow trickles over the plastic surface area and through openings in the stack. A thin film of bacteria growing on the plastic surface, which extracts dissolve nutrients from the wastewater. These bacteria convert the nutrients into other organisms and eventually develop enough mass to fall or slough off the plastic support media. Sloughed biomass is eventually settled from the flow stream in final clarification.

        Flow collected from the bio roughing towers is split and discharged into five rectangular activated sludge aeration tanks. The basins provide an aerobic medium for the mixed liquor, which consumes a large portion of nutrients and organic matter remaining in the wastewater. Compressed air is dispersed through fine bubble diffusers to provide aerobic conditions for the bacteria and to provide adequate mixing of the wastewater and bacterial mass.

        Effluent from the aeration tanks is conveyed to (three) 70 ft. diameter final clarifiers. Sludge created by the bacteria in the roughing towers and aeration basins is allowed to settle out in these tanks, leaving a nearly crystal-clear effluent to overflow into the receiving processes. The returned sludge is mixed with bio-roughing tower effluent as it enters the aeration basins. This mixed liquor contains highly concentrated quantities of bacteria, which are reintroduced into the process to consume the wastewater nutrients and organic matter. As the sludge concentration increases, calculated volumes are wasted to the facilities sludge processing systems.

        Prior to final discharge into the Yellow River the treated wastewater flows through an ultra violet disinfection system. This is designed to alter the genetic structure (DNA) in the cell of the microorganisms, which ultimately prevents reproduction and results in the death of the microorganism that could be a threat to public health. Ultimately, the final wastewater effluent is aerated to raise the oxygen level to a minimum of 6.0 mg/l prior to discharge to Yellow River.

        Wasted sludge removed in primary and final clarification is pumped to the facility’s sludge digestion system. Waste activated sludge from the final clarifiers is conveyed to one of four aerobic waste sludge holding tanks prior to thickening on a two-meter gravity belt thickener, which is then blended with primary sludge and sent to primary and secondary anaerobic digestion for further solids reduction.

        Organic solids are broken down even further by bacterial action and concentrated to reduce the total sludge volume in the anaerobic digesters. Methane gas generated by the anaerobic process is used to heat the contents of the digester to an optimum operating temperature and supplies fuel to the buildings heating system. Digested liquid sludge can then be stored on site in 2 – 82’ diameter glass lined holding tanks. The 1,589,041 gallons of storage allows the city to meet its seasonal storage needs if liquid handling is selected.

        The city has recently completed a second option of digested sludge handling, which includes dewatering of the sludge with a 200 gpm centrifuge with a temporary 7,360 sq./ft covered dry sludge storage area.

        The dried biosolids can then be disposed of by:

        1. Land applying to local farm ground.
        2. Transport to a biosolids resource center in Fowler, IN for land application.
        3. Countyline Landfill.

        The treatment process consistently removes up to 98% of the pollutants present in the wastewater entering the plant. The facility operates at an extremely high efficiency considering the difficulty in treating wastewater two – three times stronger than normal municipal wastewater.

        After Hours Emergencies

        • Phone Number (574)-936-2126

        **All after hours Non-Emergency calls will be billed a minimum of $70.00. **

        How does water get into my house?

        The City of Plymouth Water Department maintains deep wells and over 80 miles of water mains to deliver the best quality and the proper quantity of water to your house 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The system of water mains used to distribute water to our customers is called a distribution system. There is a water main in the street that serves water to your neighborhood. Each city residence has a smaller line called a service line that supplies water to the home.

        What do I need to start service at my residence?

        A new customer must come to the Office of the Clerk-Treasurer located at 124 North Michigan Street. The Clerk-Treasurer's office can begin utility service for water, sewer, and trash only.

        To start service with the City of Plymouth you will need to bring three (3) items:

        1. Renter - A copy of your signed lease agreement or a written statement from the landlord indicating that you can start utility service at the desired address.
          If you are buying the home - You will need to bring a copy of your closing papers.
        2. State or federally issued photo identification.
        3. $150.00 for a utility deposit. Rental or Land Contract customers only.

        How can I pay my utility account?

        You may mail in your payment, drop it in the convenient drop box located on the north side of the Clerk-Treasurer's office at 124 North Michigan Street. You can bring the payment in to the Clerk-Treasurer's office. They can take three types of payments: cash, check or money order. You may sign up for automatic withdrawal from your checking or savings account, which comes out of your account five business days prior to the original due date. You may also make payments online or by telephone at (574) 936-2124 .

        How do I terminate service at my residence?

        Customers wishing to discontinue their service must sign a work order at the Clerk-Treasurer's office. It is recommended but not always required to allow at least three days notice to cancel service. You will, also, need to provide a new address to which your final bill or customer deposit will be sent.

        What should I do if my water is shut off?

        1. Pay the bill at the Office of the Clerk-Treasurer located at 124 North Michigan Street. Cash, check and money orders are accepted for the shut off amount plus the $30.00 administrative fee.
        2. You will then need to make an appointment for your service to be turned back on during normal working hours 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. An adult must be present at the house for the turn on, otherwise another appointment will have to be made.

        What should I do if my water is an unusual color?

        Rusty, yellow or orange colored water is caused by iron and manganese sediment that can be deposited in water mains. This sediment can get agitated when water mains are flushed, fire hydrants are used, or when water mains leak. Water mains must be flushed as a part of the proper operation and maintenance of a distribution system. This discolored water is safe to drink, but it is not aesthetically pleasing and can stain clothes.

        Discolored water can be remedied if the household plumbing is flushed. Three cold-water faucets need to be opened at the same time for seven minutes to remove any discolored water from the household plumbing. This is referred to as a 3 X 7 system flush. Discolored water is hard to remove from a hot water tank. One cold-water faucet in the basement, one in the kitchen, and one in a bathtub or shower are preferred. If the problem persists, alert our customer service office at 574-936-2124.

        Please note - Do not open any hot water faucets until the cold water has cleared up. Do not do laundry if the water is discolored because it will stain the laundry.

        In the event that your clothes are stained, a stain-removing agent is available by calling the Water Department at 936-2543. This bottle of stain remover is free to all City of Plymouth water customers. Please use the stain-removing agent as directed.

        Why does my water smell/taste strange??

        Water may have an undesirable taste or smell if it has been stagnant in the household plumbing too long. A flush should alleviate the taste and odor issues. Should the undesirable properties persist, decide if a particular faucet is at fault. Sometimes the home water equipment, such as water softeners, water heaters, or in-line filters can be the cause of tastes or smells. The quality of our water is constantly monitored and tested. However, if our customers have any concerns about their water they can schedule an appointment for a household test by contacting the Clerk-Treasurer's office at (574) 936-2124 or by calling the Water Department at (574) 936-2543.

        What should I do if I have sand in my water?

        Sand-like particles could be calcium (lime) deposits, water softener resin or sand from a geologic formation. A small sample of the particles should be soaked in vinegar or a mild acid. If the particles dissolve when the acid is added, they are calcium deposits. Sand or water softener resin will not react to the acid. Water softener resin appears as symmetrical and shiny particles that feel greasy to the touch. If the particles are determined to be water softener resin, then the water softener should be bypassed.

        Flush each cold-water faucet and have your water heater checked for calcium deposits. If there are any further questions or the source of the problems cannot be determined, please contact the Clerk-Treasurer's office or the Water Department office. Water works personnel may be able to correctly identify the particles.

        Is it normal to have white flakes in ice cubes or hot water?

        Flakes are caused by calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate precipitates. When hard water is frozen or boiled the carbonates in the water come out of solution, appearing as whitish flakes and attaching to containers. This calcium is the same as that in dairy products and is harmless.

        Soft water does not have any calcium or magnesium carbonate deposits, but the use of soft water for drinking is not recommended.

        Why does my water look milky?

        Air bubbles in water cause it to look foamy or milky, but it will clear from the bottom. Faucets with aerators introduce air into the water stream to prevent splashing and provide stream uniformity. Sometimes the aerator can become obstructed and it must be cleaned. Removing the aerator will reduce or eliminate the bubbles, although it would be better to clean the aerator periodically and continue its use.

        Is lead or copper a problem in the city's water supply?

        No! Most of this problem is found in the customer owned pipes and service lines where solder or lead pipes were used. Fortunately, the harder water in this area creates a calcium carbonate coating in the service lines. This buildup, known as scaling, is essentially a barrier preventing lead from leaching into the water.

        The Plymouth Water Department is in complete compliance with the strict regulations of the EPA's mandated lead and copper rule. Our water has been given the highest quality lead and copper rating. The results can be viewed on the 2021 Consumer Confidence Report sent to you upon request.

        Would it be safer if I bought a water filter or bottled water for my home?

        A home filter or bottled water may not be necessary since the Plymouth Water Department has already filtered and treated the water. As a municipal drinking water supplier we are regulated by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and the Environmental Protection Agency. We are in complete compliance with the strict standards of the Safe Drinking Water Act. Some people desire a higher quality of water than we can economically provide, therefore, aftermarket filters and bottled water are options.

        What should I do to report water coming up to the surface near my house?

        Please call the Clerk-Treasurer's office at 936-2124 during regular business hours Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to report water coming up to the surface, or call our emergency number 936-2126 after hours. There are a variety of reasons water could be coming up to the surface. One of these possibilities is a water leak. Please call us at 936-2126 so we can determine if the problem is a Plymouth Water Department problem.

        As a Plymouth home owner what are my responsibilities?

        A water utility customer is to fix and maintain the service line from the city service valve in the street easement to the home. Inside the home the city maintains the meter only. The homeowner takes care of any plumbing. This includes keeping the meter in a warm and insulated area of the home, usually in the basement. If the meter is damaged due to homeowner's neglect, the costs involved for repair or replacement of the meter will be assessed to the resident.