Fire / EMS
The City of Plymouth Fire Department is now accepting applications for 3 Career Firefighter/Paramedics or Career Firefighter/EMTs to add to our growing department. Must be at least 18 years old with a valid drivers license. These positions come with full benefits (medical, dental, vision, life, access to our DPC Clinic) along with enrollment into the Indiana State Police and Fire 77 Fund Pension. Must be able to pass our local agility test or receive your CPAT within 1 year of hire date.
Application packets for a Firefighter/Paramedic can be downloaded (here)
Application packets for a Firefighter/EMT can be downloaded (here)
OR packets can be picked up at the
Plymouth Fire Department
111 N. Center St.
Plymouth, IN 46563
8a to 4p, Monday through Friday
The City of Plymouth is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
ISO Rating 4
Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors save lives year round!!
"It's Just that Simple". Is your Family Protected?
In addition to our role of providing outstanding Fire and EMS services, our Fire Department also provides emergency response in the following specialty areas:
- Hazardous Materials
- Water Rescue
- Residential
- Commercial and Industrial Fire Protection
- Search and Rescue
- Vehicle Extrication
- Wildland Fire Suppression
The Plymouth Fire Department also houses the Indiana Department of Homeland Security District 2 Mass Casualty Incident Response Unit.
On a daily basis, the Plymouth Fire Department provides 24-hour emergency protection by our qualified and dedicated professionals, including Paramedic level care. Our Firefighter/Paramedics are among the best trained and equipped in the state and hold Nationally registered Certifications along with being licensed by the State of Indiana EMS Commission. With the supervision from our Medical Directors and the Emergency Department Physicians who oversee our daily practices, we are dedicated in providing top notch pre-hospital emergency medical care to our community.
We are also very active in public fire education and prevention. We have to date educated over 30,000 elementary aged children with our fire safe house program, which has been in operation since the early 1990's. We now have "firefighters' that were students of the fire safe house program.
The City of Plymouth Fire Department is staffed with 16 career Firefighters and approximately 24 dedicated Volunteer firefighters who provide Fire/Rescue protection and Advanced life support emergency medical care to the City of Plymouth and Center & West Township's. We serve approximately 50% of Marshall County's population, and protect just over 100 square miles and respond to over 2,600 emergency calls per year.
Our Fire Department also services the prominent Ancilla Catholic Community College, and the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ Ministries Campus located just west of Plymouth. Plymouth is also the home of the ever so famous Marshall County Blueberry Festival, which is held annually over Labor Day weekend.
Fire Chief,
Steve Holm
To see full staff listing, please click here
Contact Us

Fire Chief
- Phone: (574) 936-2156
- Fax:
(574) 936-5256 - Staff Directory