Mission Statement

“The Plymouth Parks and Recreation Department shall strive to develop and maintain quality parks and facilities; to preserve open/natural space; and to provide recreational programs and services which will enhance the physical, social and emotional well-being of all the citizens of Plymouth.” 

A huge part of the inner-workings and future of our parks depends on strategically planning the mission, goals, and path to take moving forward. Part of that journey is having a 5-Year Plan in place to keep us on track and continually trying to improve on the stellar park system that we already have in our community! If you would like to view our current 5-Year Plan, please click here.

Current Activities:

Line Dancing Class: Mondays & Wednesdays from 1:00-3:00pm at the Webster Center

Exercise Class: Mondays & Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00pm at the Webster Center

Monthly Newsletter


Randolph Street Bridge Reconstruction:

Please adhere to the posted closures on the street and Greenway Trails. These are in place for your safety. As we inch closer to warmer weather, please note that floating on the river under the bridge during construction will be prohibited. 

Disc Golf Course:

Disc Golf Sponsorship

Upcoming Events:

        Dramatic Fanatics Class

        • Disc Golf Schedule:

        Disc Golf Schedule

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